Support Global CampusES TODAY
Why Support Global Campuses?
At Global Campuses, we believe everyone has knowledge to share. Your contribution goes directly to lifelong learning opportunities for adults of all abilities. Global Campus participants directly benefit from your generous donations through peer to peer-led educational classes taught at campuses each week during the fall and spring semesters. Academic Coordinators facilitate the campus meetings and provide support to Global Campus participants as they teach and learn about new topics of interest.
How to Support Global Campuses
There are many ways you can support Global Campuses:
Share your knowledge or expertise: Visit a campus and teach a class. We encourage presentations on any of your strengths and interests or experiences. Guest presenters can teach a class on their own, or co-teach with faculty participants.
As a community volunteer: Community volunteers are encouraged to participate in a variety of ways, from assisting participants with research and class planning, supporting our faculty participants during their classes, co-teaching classes, and helping with community service projects.
Make an in-kind donation: Global Campuses welcomes donations that are pertinent to campus operations, including but not limited to technological equipment and educational supplies.
Make a financial decision to support Global Campuses: You can earmark your donation for a certain campus or project, or honor or recognize someone special in your life. We welcome bequests and legacy donations of all kinds.
Contact: Jamie Gage, Board Treasurer, if you are interested in any of the above ways to support Global Campuses. You can also contact Jamie at (802) 318-7799 for more information about Global Campuses.
Global Campuses’ Resources
Global Campuses develops and directs financial and human resources to support campuses created, developed, and administered by participants. The foundation relies upon a diversity of funding sources, including private and corporate donations, partnership agreements, grants, in-kind, and pro bono services. GCF is a 501(c)(3) USA-based non-profit organization.
Thank You to Our Supporters
Make a Donation
Ben & Jerry’s Foundation
Community National Bank
Couch Family Foundation
Fidelity Charitable - William
and Megan Lansing Foundation
Four Seasons Sotheby’s
International Realty
Granite United Way
Hypertherm HOPE Foundation
Jack and Dorothy Byrne Foundation
Karen Wolk
Mascoma Bank
National Life Group Foundation
New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
People’s United Bank
Ron Miller
The Oakland Foundation
The Richard E. and Deborah L. Tarrant Foundation
The Richard and Phyllis Forbes Family
Thomas Thompson Trust
Vermont Community Foundation
Vermont Mutual Insurance
Group Charitable Giving Fund
Worldwide Small Change
And to our many individual donors who continue to provide financial support.