November 2020: Teaching, Learning, and Charity Continue to Soar Through Online Programming
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GCF participants at the 12 New England campuses have been continuing to fortify their online educational programming despite prolonged COVID restrictions and safety protocols that have kept in-person classes shuttered since March. Participants are teaching and learning from hundreds of participant-designed and led topics under the umbrella theme for this academic year, Our Natural World. When first impacted in March with the mandated lockdown, campus participants, many who have been involved for five, ten, and even more than fifteen years, were not going to let their campuses sink under the weight of COVID’s imposed social isolation. Through GCF’s role of facilitation, supporting their voice and direct leadership, a swift transition from in-person classes to online teaching and learning unfolded in just one week. True to their mastery skills, they readily became Zoom experts, continuing to share their passions and interests in regularly scheduled sessions. Teaching and learning thrived, despite the challenges of reaching those without computers or Internet access. Five foundations and businesses responded to emergency requests that helped establish a GCF loaner laptop library, including Agnes M. Lindsay Trust, Couch Family Foundation, Mascoma Bank, New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, and Vermont Mutual Insurance Group. Now, more participants are engaging. GCF is here to provide a welcoming space during this challenging time and will continue to provide weekly distance learning lessons until we can safely meet in person again.
“For people who have a disability, getting out is a big thing so for us being quarantined is really hard because you go from being quite isolated to be completely isolated.” Wishes to remain anonymous
"During Covid-19 Global Campus helped me to keep believing in myself and learning remotely showed me anything is possible." Greg Getty, Springfield, VT, participant
“It helped me a lot about things and see everyone faces I love learning about things like history and other things. I am not stressing about having to stay at home and wearing mask when we are out in the community.” Carol, Newport, VT, participant
"I liked having Global Campuses during the COVID-19 because I looked forward to talking to friends and I had time to practice and work on my presentation, it was fun teaching on Zoom." Katherine Breunig, Brattleboro, VT, participant
“I think global campus helped me get more creative like doing stories and photography and drawing. It also helped me learn new things and gave me more things to do during covid 19” Brandon Kilton- GC Shiremont