Celebrating 20 Years
This updated announcement is to inform you that the GCF Thailand Campuses’ web pages have begun being published. We invite you to review recent postings as the Thailand campus participants reflect on what they have created and sustained for 20-plus years. Enjoy these recent postings about Global Campus Chiangmai, highlighting their amazing story. Thank you!
Learn More about our Southeast Asia Campuses
Global Campuses Foundation enthusiastically announces the 20th Anniversary of Global Campus Chiangmai, located in Thailand, Southeast Asia. The foundation's 1st campus was created to pilot GCF’s Global Campus Educational Model.
An innovative post-secondary education opportunity for adults with differing abilities

New England Campuses
“An elder once told me, if you don’t share what you know, it will die with you.”
Global Campus Board Member, Global Campus St. Johnsbury Participant
“I never thought I’d be able to go to college.”
The vision of GCF is to provide a network of campuses fostering advanced learning opportunities for adults who experience disability.
The mission of Global Campuses Foundation is facilitating collaborative learning for adults of all abilities.
“I found a love of teaching.”
GC Lamoille 5th Year Big Event
Neal, GC St. Johnsbury.
In memoriam: "We will miss your smile, and singing in Music Class and Global Campus Saint Johnsbury. You will be remembered forever in our hearts." ~ GC St. Johnsbury participants
Global Campus participants are the creators and producers of their educational experiences. They exercise their voice as faculty, students, board members, and administrative leaders.
“I really liked this class because it made me think.”